How we work
Why hiring a Competition lawyer
Since the beginning of the 2000s, competition policy has undergone significant changes in Brazil, becoming a fundamental part of day-to-day corporate life.
Non-compliance with antitrust regulation can lead to significant fines imposed by CADE (Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica, the Brazilian Antitrust Agency) as well as other consequences to business and executives involved (damage to reputation, loss of customers and suppliers, among others).
What we do
- Submissions of transactions, agreements and partnerships for approval (such as mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, asset acquisitions)
- Investigations of anticompetitive conducts (cartels and abuses of dominance) including the negotiation of leniency and cease and desist agreements
- Responses to official requests of information
- Consultations
Risk assessment of business models and practices (exclusivity clauses, discounts, discrimination policies of customers/suppliers, tying, resale price maintenance, among others)
Development and implementation of competition compliance programs for companies to understand regulation and create tools to prevent antitrust liability exposure
Drafting technical notes on specific competition matters
Monitor, independent auditor, trustee assisting CADE in monitoring decisions
Rigid and structured antitrust enforcement led to the need to understand regulation and to implement an antitrust culture inside companies, including:
Submissions of transactions, agreements and partnerships for CADE’s approval (such as mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, asset acquisitions)
Risk assessment of business models and practices (design and implementation of exclusivity clauses, discounts, discrimination policies of customers/suppliers, tying, resale price maintenance, among others)
Defenses in investigations related to anticompetitive practices (cartels and other deleterious conducts)